Brian Yung

Brian Yung

Project Description

Brian Yung

Changed lives.


Whether that may be the lives of people being partnered with, the lives that are changed through SIM projects, or the lives of the mission workers themselves, my focus as a videographer with SIM is to share these stories of changed lives for others to see.


Videos have a way to connect people today in an engaging and effective manner. They enable you to share a message from thousands of kilometres away. They provide insight in a way that an hour of talking sometimes cannot. They are, quite simply, a bridge to another part of the world.


This is my calling. With over 4000 mission workers in 70 countries, there’s a great need for stories to be told of the work being done on the field. But with only a tiny handful of workers in this ministry, there’s an abundance of work still to be done.


Will you prayerfully consider partnering in this much-needed ministry? Will you walk alongside to share God’s message of changed lives?

  • Location


Brian Yung

Country: Canada
Worker Number: 031896

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