Stewardship With Integrity! 

In Psalm 24, David reminds us that the whole earth belongs to the Lord, as well as everything in it. At SIM, we believe the work we’ve been given to do and the resources God has provided to do that work, all belong to Him. When you partner with SIM financially, you can trust us to handle your gifts with the highest levels of transparency, integrity, and accountability because you’re not giving to us, you’re giving to God through us.


How does SIM Handle My Gift?

All gifts to approved SIM projects and missionaries are used as requested by the donor, with the understanding that when the need has been met or the missionary’s status changes, the gift will then be applied where needed most at the discretion of SIM Canada, preferably to a similar project or missionary. In keeping with CRA guidelines, SIM Canada has complete control and administration over the use of tax-deductible donations received for ministries within SIM.

Registered Charity

SIM Canada is a registered charitable organization.
Registration #12994-7537-RR0001.
Donations to SIM Canada are tax-deductible. Spending of funds is confined to the ministry of missionaries, projects and board approved programs.
SIM Canada is a member of, and accountable to, the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities.

SIM Canada is a member of the Kentro Christian Network where Canadian Christian agencies involved in international relief and development cooperate and share their expertise.

Year in Review