Give Online

Go to SIM Canada’s secure website,, and navigate to either ‘Worker’ or ‘Project’ to begin your donation. To find a ‘Worker’ or ‘Project’, use the ‘search’ tool. If they are not listed, please use the unlisted worker or unlisted project form. This link is under the ‘search’ box.



We’re changing the method processing your online recurring gifts. This will save some processing fees and will allow us to more efficiently process your gift, provide you a giving history, as well allow us to personally assist you with any donation queries you may have. If you have received an email from us, please do read it and follow the instructions provided. If you need a further explanation or assistance in making this change, contact SIM Canada ( or call 1.800.294.6918 (Toll Free Number).

Give by direct debit

This is a secure, easy and cost effective way to give your donation. To set up pre-authorized giving, fill out this form, get a VOID cheque and either mail or scan and email it to the SIM Canada office.

Give by mail

Of course SIM is always pleased to receive gifts in the mail.


Mail your cheques to:
SIM Canada
10 Huntingdale Blvd
Scarborough, ON
M1W 2S5


If you have a valid email address on file with SIM Canada, you will receive a tax receipt for all gifts received in the calendar year by February of the following year by email.

If you do not have an email with us, then you will receive a tax receipt for all gifts received in the calendar year by February of the following year by mail. If you need SIM Canada to issue a printed copy of your annual receipt, or have other questions about your gifts, please email or call 1-800-294-6918 (416-497-2424), Ext 165.

Legacy Giving

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to meet with an Estate Advisor to create a complimentary, personal, and confidential Estate Plan that will help you create a Will that reflects the life you lived, the faith you follow, the people you love, and the charities you believe in. This is in partnership with Advisors with Purpose. Find out more!