John and Phyllis ColemanVeronica Jesuthasan2021-04-06T10:18:29+00:00 John and Phyllis Coleman MISSIONARIES
John Ockers Conference Centre – Maza TsayeVeronica Jesuthasan2021-08-03T19:42:06+00:00 John Ockers Conference Centre – Maza Tsaye Projects
Jono and Rachel StanleyVeronica Jesuthasan2021-04-06T08:06:56+00:00 Jono and Rachel Stanley MISSIONARIES
Josh and Nadine GuentherVeronica Jesuthasan2021-04-06T10:20:22+00:00 Josh and Nadine Guenther MISSIONARIES
Joshua and Joanna BogunjokoVeronica Jesuthasan2021-04-06T08:07:26+00:00 Joshua and Joanna Bogunjoko MISSIONARIES